Guidelines for Use of Fellowship Hall

All non-church events must be sponsored by a member of Ebenezer Methodist Church of Bowman, Inc.

1.     The member sponsoring the event needs to sign up on the calendar on the bulletin board in the church and include his or her name by the event. Include on the calendar the days needed for decorating.

2.     Notify Ben Riser (803.664.0514) if the building and grounds are not clean when you arrive.

3.     Protect the facilities. For example, please do not allow children to draw on the tables.

4.     If you will need hot water, turn on the switch for the water heater at the breaker box in the closet. Remember to turn it off again when you leave. The water usually heats adequately within a few hours. 

5.     Leave the building cleaned of all food. Wipe the tables, chair seats, and counters and sweep up or vacuum the food from the floor. Covering the tables with disposable tablecloths helps the clean-up process. There is a cordless vacuum cleaner in the closet in the new area; empty the cannister and plug the vacuum back in when you finish.

6.     Do NOT leave food like unopened potato chips “in case someone else might want them”; we know mice will like them.

7.     Do NOT leave any food in the refrigerator for “someone else to use.” If we have a power outage, then someone will have a mess to clean up with the spoiled, leaky food.

8.     Remove the trash, including trash from the bathrooms, when you leave. 

9.     You do not need to mop the floor as a general rule. However, please wipe up any spills with water since we may not have the building cleaned immediately after the event.

10.  Wash rags and tea towels need to be washed and returned to the building.

11.  Remove trash from the yard and playground area.

12.  Turn the water heater off.

13.  Turn off the heaters/air conditioners.

14.  Lock the doors.

GUIDELINES FOR NON-CHURCH EVENTS: The member sponsoring the event is responsible. The group needs to provide its own food, paper goods (plates, dessert plates, napkins), cups, disposable utensils, and Ziploc bags for leftovers. The group can use the serving pieces, the metal utensils, and pitchers as long as those items are washed, dried, and returned to their place.